Singing Guide: The Mad Ones

Singing Guide: The Mad Ones

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Mad Ones

The Mad Ones is an excellent musical duo that specializes in contemporary Broadway-style music. Their unique sound is defined by their excellent harmony and vocal arrangement, coupled with expressive lyrics and dynamic music.

Learning the techniques of The Mad Ones will require a blend of dedicated training to master complex vocal arrangements and improvisations and a good understanding of contemporary music and vocal styles.

Vocal Ranges and Voice Types

The Mad Ones' vocal arrangements require a unique blending of voice types and ranges. Having an understanding of voice types and ranges is essential to sing like them. This online tool will help you determine your vocal range, helping you choose the right songs and improve your vocal training.

Song Search by Vocal Range, Difficulty and Genre

The Mad Ones are award-winning composers and performers known for their dynamic and challenging vocal arrangements. Use this song search tool to find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.


The Mad Ones songbook will help in practicing their songs. It also provides links to sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio that can aid in learning the song. Start now.

Vocal Range Variances

The Mad Ones are known for their impressive vocal arrangements of various ranges that blend seamlessly together. This article will help you train to achieve this virtually impossible feat. Learn how to train your voice and develop a greater range with Singing Carrots' Pitch Training.

Explore Vocal Techniques

The Mad Ones incorporate various vocal techniques in their music, such as Twang, Belting, and Vocal Distortion & Growling. This article will help you master these contemporary techniques.

Breathing and Posture

Breathing and posture are crucial to singing correctly. Mastering these techniques will help you sing with fluidity and comfort. Learn the basic fundamentals of singing with these articles: Breath Support and How posture affects your singing.

Learn to Analyze Your Voice

Analyzing your singing voice is an essential aspect of learning to sing like a pro. It helps you discover your areas of weakness and strengths. Learn how to analyze your voice with Singing Carrots' How to analyze your voice article.

Practice and Warm-up

Warming up is crucial to prevent hurting your vocal chords. Here are some essential exercises to start your practice that the Mad Ones recommend: 3 Minute Warm Up.

Tips for Performance and Overcoming Stage Fright

The Mad Ones are known for delivering engaging performances, and this comes with practice and confidence. Learn how to overcome stage fright, deliver engaging performances, and many more tips from these articles: Tips for performing on stage and How to overcome stage fright.

With these resources and dedicated training, you can start singing like The Mad Ones!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.